Designing or redesigning your space should be fun and exciting. It’s a chance to make improvements, fix deficiencies and stamp your space with your personal style. Unfortunately for many of us, renovations usually become more stressful than exciting. Even the smallest project, if poorly planned, can abruptly change from exciting to demanding to overwhelming. What we need is a renovation planning guide to help keep things in check and on track. Not only can your budget quickly disappear, but so can your motivation to finish the project.
Over the past few weeks, we have been busily working away at our main bathroom renovation. It’s the first substantial renovation that we’ve done to our home beyond developing our basement. It’s hard to believe we have lived in our house for over 10 years already. Boy does time fly! Although we are a reasonably handy duo, in that time we have rarely made time to tackle more than a new light fixture here or a coat of paint there. Our main bath was a sort of pilot project if you will, for our more substantial renos to come. A way to test the renovation waters before diving right in.

Overall, we were very well planned. But that doesn’t mean there still weren’t a few hiccups along the way. I am happy to report that we are nearly done, only a few minor details remain. Stay tuned for our big reveal! As we add the finishing touches to our bathroom renovation, I wanted to share with you some tips and tricks to help you with any renovation projects you might be planning. Use the renovation planning guide below to help point your home makeover in the right direction.
1. Scope of project
Set the parameters of your project before you start. Decide which room and to what degree you will be renovating it. Draw up a plan and set specific goals for your renovation that you can stick to.
2. Find your inspiration
Decide what you want the end result of your renovation to look like. Review current design trends, collect inspiration pictures with the look and mood you want for your space. These inspirations will help keep your design on track.
3. Define the budget
Plan your renovation budget, be specific and realistic. Set financial limits to prevent your project from getting out of control. Keep some funds set aside as contingency for any unforeseen problems that may arise during the project.
4. Get estimates
Gather quotes on materials, trade professionals and contractors as required. Adjust your budget or the scope of your project as necessary to reflect your estimated costs.
5. Pick a start time
Choose a specific time frame to begin your project and commit to it. Plan your project around your family’s schedule as much as possible to minimize conflicts. Consider factors like weather and time of year when planning your start date. Completing projects during warmer months or during school vacations may mean your family can spend more time away from the work area.
6. Set a schedule
Plan your project out on a calendar. Try to estimate the time required for each task or phase and plot the number of days each will require. This will also help keep your timeline on track. Remember to include some flexibility as there are likely to be delays dues to unforeseen hurdles along the way.
7. Purchase materials
Order and collect as many of your project’s materials ahead of time as possible. Aim to have the materials on site 2-3 weeks prior to the beginning of your project. This will prevents delays due to backorders or items being out of stock.
8. Get it in writing
Get written commitments from suppliers, trades people and/or contractors prior to beginning your renovation project. Confirm the scope of work to be completed, time-frame expectations and payment options.
9. Have alternate arrangements
Make arrangements as necessary to accommodate your family while the room under renovation is out of commission. Bathrooms and kitchens can be particularly tricky, but even a bedroom renovation can be stressful when it means being displaced. Keep in mind that if your renovation runs into delays, your temporary discomfort can last a lot longer than anticipated.
10. Prep reno space
Pack up and relocate the contents of your room prior to beginning your renovation. On a large scale project, this might mean you need to make arrangements for extra storage. It’s important to keep the renovation work area free from clutter and debris.
Drop me a comment below and let me know if your found this renovation planning guide helpful. For more renovation and decorating inspiration, follow me on Pinterest!
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